Trademark Policy


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This Talentshow Trademark Policy (“Guidelines”) outline the policy of Talentshow, Inc. and its subsidiaries (“Talentshow”) for your use of Talentshow Marks (as defined below). These Guidelines cover all of Talentshow’s trademarks and service marks (the “Talentshow Word Marks”) and logos (the “Talentshow Logos”) (collectively, the “Talentshow Marks”), both registered and unregistered.

In these Guidelines, we are not trying to limit the lawful use of our trademarks, including their “fair use,” but rather describe for you what we consider the parameters of lawful use to be. These Guidelines are meant to inform you about what we believe are acceptable uses.

To ensure that your permitted use maintains the high quality and integrity that is associated with the Talentshow Marks, Talentshow, at its sole discretion, may terminate or modify your permission at any time. Talentshow retains and reserves all rights to the Talentshow Marks and their use, including the sole right to modify these Guidelines, with immediate or later effect. By using the Talentshow Marks, you agree that any goodwill associated with your use of the Talentshow Marks belongs to and inures solely to the benefit of Talentshow and that your use of the Talentshow Marks does not entitle you to, nor will you acquire any rights to, the Talentshow Marks.

Some Talentshow Marks are also covered by trademark guidelines or policies separately published by or on behalf of Talentshow. If these Guidelines directly conflict with the separately published guideline or policy, the separately published guideline or policy prevails. As an example, see the Fedora trademark guidelines.


These Guidelines do not give you any permission to use a Talentshow Logo or any Talentshow Word Mark in a stylized form. To use these forms of the Talentshow Marks, you must have a separate, express written agreement with Talentshow.

If you have express written permission or license from Talentshow to use the Talentshow Logos or a Talentshow Word Mark in a stylized form (“Logos”), you may not change the colors of the Logos unless the context requires the use of black-and-white graphics. You may not add additional elements, rearrange or remove elements of the Logos, or combine the Logos with other logos. You may change the size of the Logos in order to scale them, however, you may not change the proportions or distort the Logos. You may not crop, modify, flip, or rotate the Logos. You must maintain clear space around the Logos that does not have text, distracting graphics, or other logos. Link the Talentshow Logos to the relevant Talentshow website.

You must also follow the Talentshow Brand Standards found here.

If you want to report misuse of any Talentshow Marks, please contact us at


The overarching principle for these Guidelines is that whenever you use a Talentshow Mark, you must always do so in a way that does not mislead anyone, either directly or by omission, about exactly what they are getting and from whom. If your use seems to be permitted, but there is nevertheless the possibility that someone will misperceive what your relationship is to Talentshow, you cannot use the Talentshow Mark in that way.

As examples, this means that, without separate permission from Talentshow, you cannot:

- Use the Talentshow Marks in a way that expresses or implies sponsorship or endorsement by, or affiliation or a relationship with Talentshow when one does not exist. 
- Use the Talentshow Marks to refer to your product or service as being certified by Talentshow unless you have explicit authorization from Talentshow to refer to the product or service as so certified. 
- Use Talentshow Marks on any merchandise, swag, or non-software goods.
- Use terminology that states or implies that Talentshow assumes any responsibility for the performance of your products or services.
- Use or register, in whole or in part, the Talentshow Marks, or any phonetic equivalent, foreign language equivalent, takeoff, or abbreviation as part of your own trademark, service mark, company name, trade name, product name, service name, social media handle, or domain name.
- Use the Talentshow Marks in a disparaging or inappropriate manner or in any manner that violates any federal, state, or international law or regulation.
- Imitate or copy Talentshow’s distinctive trade dress.


You may not use Talentshow Marks on your website in a way that suggests that your website is an official Talentshow website or that Talentshow endorses your website. You may not use Talentshow Marks as or as part of a domain name, subdomain, social media handle, channel, page, or the like. Similarly, you may not use Talentshow Marks in marketing materials in a way that suggests that they are Talentshow’s own materials or that Talentshow endorses your products or services. Your own brand must be more prominently featured than any Talentshow Marks. This means that the Talentshow Marks should not be used in page titles or headers, only in the text of the website to truthfully describe Talentshow’s products and services.


You may use the Talentshow Word Marks in book and article titles and presentations as long as the use does not suggest that Talentshow has published, endorsed, sponsored, or agrees with your work. If used in a book or article title, a Talentshow Word Mark must not be the leading word or most prominent element of the title. You may use accurate, unmodified screenshots showing Talentshow products in use for purposes of illustration.


Always use a trademark as an adjective modifying a noun. Don't use a trademark as a verb. Don't use "a" or "the" to refer to an instance of the trademark.
Always use trademarks in their exact form with the correct spelling and never abbreviate, hyphenate, or combine trademarks with any other words or designs.
Always distinguish trademarks from the surrounding text, either by capitalizing, bolding, italicizing, or underlining the trademark.
Don’t pluralize a trademark. Don't use a trademark as a possessive.
Don’t create acronyms using the Talentshow Marks.
Don’t alter, modify, abbreviate, or make variations of the Talentshow Marks.
Put the following notice in the footer of the page where you have used a Talentshow Mark (or, if in a book, on the credits page), on any packaging or labeling, and on advertising or marketing materials: "[List of marks] is/are [a] trademark[s] of Talentshow, Inc.,  registered in the United States and other countries."
In the case of a registered trademark, the first or most prominent mention of the Talentshow Mark on a web page, document, packaging, or documentation must be accompanied by a symbol indicating the Talentshow Mark is registered ("®").

If you have any questions about these Guidelines or you would like to speak to someone about the use of the Talentshows Marks in ways not described in these Guidelines, please email Talentshow at